
Postman collection

Postman can be installed by visiting
The Postman collection can be imported by clicking the button below.

Run in Postman

Swagger collection

Swagger JSON should be imported by clicking the button below.

Guide for Client Support

Guide for Client Support on handling issues of API integration

Reporting issues

When reporting an issue, a concise and descriptive subject line that summarizes the problem should be used. For instance, instead of writing "Error" consideration should be given to specifying the nature of the error, such as "Invalid Credentials/ Provider Unavailable/ Server Error etc." This helps streamline the communication and enables a quicker understanding of the reported issue.

Example of a subject line: Provider_title: Generic nature of the issue

Note 1: Report one User/ Connection/ Payment per Provider, in a single ticket. Therefore, each User's issue report will be managed separately (per one ticket: one Provider, one Connection, one error/ problem).

Note 2: For different problems with the same Provider, like Connection errors and incorrect balances, please submit separate reports for each issue.

Note 3: If a User has issues with multiple Providers, submit separate tickets (a ticket per Provider), addressing each Provider's case individually.

Note 4: Ensure the input of valid Salt Edge identifiers, such as provider_code, customer_id, connection_id, request_id, account_id, transaction_id, etc.

Note 5: Offer as many details as possible, even if they seem unrelated. This is especially vital for inquiries that do not fall under any of the suggested Categories and their listed options. The inclusion of comprehensive information greatly assists in addressing and sorting out inquiries effectively.

Note 6: Providing screenshots or a screen recording illustrating the entire flow leading to unsuccessful attempts or error messages would greatly assist in understanding and resolving the issue. Ensure that sensitive data is appropriately concealed to uphold security and privacy measures.

For inquiries concerning Providers' connectivity issues, along with accounts and transactions obtained through the Account Information Service API, please opt for the selection of “Connection issue (AIS)”. Specify the corresponding category, such as Connections, Accounts or Transactions, and indicate the specific issue by choosing an option from the available ones in the right column.

Connections category

To be used for inquiries related to:

  • Bank Connection errors:
    • if it’s ProviderAccessNotGranted, please provide the User’s comment on how the authorization flow develops
    • if it’s the “Access declined” error message, advise the User to reach out to their Bank and manage their online banking permissions
  • Unable to connect (no error):
    • the User’s feedback is a must
  • Unable to finish the authorization on the Bank’s end:
    • the User’s feedback is a must. Screenshots of the attempt and the error displayed by the Bank are highly beneficial
  • Redirect to the Bank is not working:
    • the User’s feedback is a must. Please provide the step at which it fails.
  • Failed Connections
  • Failed to reconnect and/ or refresh
  • automatic_refresh is not performed:
    • firstly, ensure that the Connection’s automatic_fetch is set to true
    • if the error is “Too many requests”, it may be a limitation within the bank’s API
  • All the Connection’s accounts stopped updating:
    • ask the Users to reconnect (renew the authentication)
  • Revoked consent:
    • ask the Users to reconnect (renew the authentication)
    • if it's a recurring random consent expiration, please mention it
  • Expired consent:
    • ask the User for a reconnect (renew the authentication)

Some of the issues listed essentially represent the same matter, but to enhance clarity and convenience, we've provided variations in wording.

Accounts category

To be used for inquiries related to:

  • Account type availability (personal/ Business):
    • check the Provider’s supported_account_types
    • check the options available to the User upon redirection to the Provider's authorization page
  • Account nature availability (credit card, savings accounts etc.):
    • check the Provider’s supported_account_natures
    • advise the User to reach out to the Provider for clarification, as Account selection takes place on the Provider’s side
  • An Account stopped updating:
    • check the account’s status (it could be unauthorized)
    • ask the User for a reconnect (renew the authentication)
    • if the status still shows: unauthorized, it indicated that the Account was not imported during Account selection on the Provider’s end. Please advise the User to reach out to the Provider for clarification.
  • Wrong balances:
    • provide the current value and the expected value
    • please provide screenshots displaying the correct values from the User’s online banking (highly beneficial)
  • Zero balance Account:
    • provide the current value and the expected value
    • please provide screenshots displaying the correct values from the User’s online banking (highly beneficial)
  • Missing Account extra fields:
    • check if the requested information is displayed on the User’s online banking
    • provide screenshots from the User’s online banking so that we can contact the Provider and request to consider making more details available via the API
  • Wrong Account extra fields:
    • provide the current value and the expected value
    • please provide screenshots displaying the correct values from the User’s online banking (highly beneficial)

Transactions category

To be used for inquiries related to:

  • Missing transactions:
    • specify the dates and amounts
    • make sure to compare the list of transactions by checking the made_on as well as extra: posting_date value
  • Duplicated transactions:
    • provide their transaction_ids
  • Wrong made_on date:
    • please provide a screenshot from the User’s online banking displaying the correct date
  • Wrong posting_date
    • provide a screenshot from the User's online banking displaying the correct date
  • Wrong descriptions:
    • provide a screenshot from the User’s online banking displaying the correct description
  • Missing description:
    • provide a screenshot from the User’s online banking displaying the correct description
  • Wrong extra fields:
    • specify the Salt Edge name of the field
    • provide a screenshot from the User’s online banking displaying the expected value
  • Missing extra fields:
    • provide a screenshot from the User’s online banking displaying the expected value
  • Wrong transaction sign (positive or negative):
    • specify the transaction_id in question
    • provide a screenshot from the User’s online banking displaying the correct sign
  • Categorization:
    • specify the expected category, ensuring that such a category is supported by the Salt Edge API
  • Merchant identification:
    • specify the expected merchants

Transaction_id serves as an identifier for the existing transactions retrieved from the Provider linked to an account connected during authorization on the Provider’s end. If an inquiry pertains to a transaction_id, the designated category is Connection issue (AIS).


The payment_id is assigned to initiation attempts made through Payment Initiation API endpoints. If an inquiry is associated with a payment_id, then the appropriate category is Payment Issue (PIS).

For inquiries concerning Payments initiated through the Payment Initiation API (PIS), kindly choose the option “Payment issue (PIS)” and specify the relevant category from the available options.

To be used for inquiries related to:

  • Payment Initiation errors
  • Wrong payment status:
    • if the status is Unknown, it means that the Provider has not yet returned a final status
    • wait until the status polling is finished, check the payment’s refresh_interval (in seconds, indicates the time gap between two refresh attempts of a payment) and refresh_timeout (in seconds, represents the maximum duration, during which refresh attempts are conducted)
  • Payment templates availability:
    • check the Provider’s payment_templates values
  • Required payment fields

General inquiries

For inquiries that do not fall under the Connection issue (AIS) or Payment issue (PIS), the “General” section will be selected. Therefore, to be used for the inquiries related to:

  • Failed API requests towards Salt Edge API (this does not encompass connectivity issues with Providers’ APIs, as these are classified separately under Connection issue (AIS))
  • Documentation
  • Callbacks
  • Client Dashboard
  • Salt Edge Widget

If none of the specified types accommodate the inquiry, the General section should be used, and the category "Other" should be chosen.

Salt Edge Help Desk statuses

  • New: assigned upon the creation of a new ticket
  • In progress: indicates that the inquiry is currently under investigation on the Salt Edge end.
  • Review: applied to tickets that have received an update from the Salt Edge Customer Care Team and require action on the Client’s end.
  • Waiting for bank: assigned to tickets linked to technical issues on the Provider or Hub end. In such instances, the responsible Salt Edge Team member (whether Customer Care or Development), actively engages with the Provider or Hubs. Responses are tracked, a quicker resolution is facilitated, and regular communication for updates is maintained by Salt Edge.
  • Done: signifies the completion of the ticket's lifecycle, indicating that the issue has been successfully addressed and resolved.

Common Issues

Generate token for Fio Banka

Here you will find instructions how to obtain an integration key (token) in Fio Bank’s User environment. This integration lets you read future transactions as well as already posted ones.

During the setup, you can select a date from which the transactions are retrieved.


Fio Banka makes available only already recorded transactions, therefore, it takes usually 1-2 days before the transaction appears in the application.

It is recommended that you log into online banking using a desktop computer (laptop) to ensure that the appearance of the control interface responds to Salt Edge’s instructions and helps avoid potential compatibility problems on mobile devices.

  • Online Banking Fio should be logged into, and "Settings" should be clicked in the upper right corner
  • In the settings menu, the "API" icon should be selected
  • The Account to be integrated should be chosen, and "Add new token" should be clicked
  • The generated token should be copied to a text file or clipboard
  • The token should be set to "Only monitor the Account," given a name, and its validity specified (after expiration, it will be necessary to generate the token again)
  • Finally, "Send" should be clicked

Generate token for TransferWise

  • Log into your TransferWise Account
  • On the menu on the left, API tokens should be clicked
  • Scroll down and API tokens should be clicked
  • “Add new token” should be clicked
  • The token should be given a title or description, and Read only should be selected; then, “Create” token should be clicked
  • To reveal the token, “Reveal Key” should be clicked
Contact us

NEW Release: AIS, Payments & Data Enrichment API V6 is now available! Check the Changelog for more details.